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Victoriana Designs

Victoriana An Orchestral Interlude is the title of a video I made and uploaded to Youtube. It showcases a piece of music in Victorian style that is quite long, so difficult for todays 3.5 minute attention threshold, but I enjoyed orchestrating it and producing the video. In the course of making this video, I went through my collection of Victorian books and photographs for suitable images. I was encouraged by how many people enjoyed these images and so I started to work with the originals, scanning, cleaning up and tinting these beautiful illustrations. In many cases I don't know who the artist even was (where I do, I always credit because although the artist is long since dead I would not want people using my music without credit) 

Anyway, these products on Zazzle were produced with love and I wanted to share them here, so what follows is a selection of Victoriana products. If you enjoy them, please share further afield. In the meantime, for those not inhibited by long orchestral pieces, here is the music - an orchestration of Sleighing on the Lake by amateur Victorian composer John Pridham.  

Victoriana Clocks

These clocks were produced with images from 1887 fashion correspondents at present unknown!

Victoriana Calendar

This calendar was produced with Victorian images and the text of a poem - I thought it would be nice to collate the poem and images (scanned and cleaned up) into a Victorian style floral calendar:

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